Green Tea’s Health Advantages

Fernando Villanueva
Go here for more information on purchasing Chinese tea straight via China!

When I relocated to China in 2010, I began drinking green tea and eventually eliminated black coffee. I got so addicted to it that I bought 1 kg of Longjing Chinese green tea before moving to Thailand.

Since I’m no longer living in Asia, I bought it on the internet straight from China.

In 2011, I became concerned about losing weight because I’d gained ten kilograms due to fatty Chinese food and a swollen knee, making it impossible to engage in any activity for about six months. I shed ten pounds within three months. I think that drinking green tea, which I was regularly drinking, played a significant role in the process.

Over the years, I have continued to drink green tea daily. Today, I’d like to discuss what I believe to be the top advantages of drinking green tea, and at the end of this piece, I’ll ensure that I take green tea daily (I’ve established an established routine!).

Why is green tea considered the most effective tea?

The quality of tea leaves is determined by various weather, pollution, soils, etc. But, the most crucial aspect in deciding tea’s high quality is the procedure the leaves go thru.

While black tea is extensively processed and loses many beneficial properties, green tea is the least processed of the eight significant classes that comprise Chinese tea. This is why it’s the tea with most of its health advantages. Click here to learn more about the various types of tea.

The scientific community thinks that the benefits of green tea are because of its high concentration of flavonoids which are antioxidants. It appears that flavonoids found in green tea have more power than vitamins C or E. Let’s discover the significant advantages that green tea has!

  1. Lose weight.

Green tea can increase your body’s metabolism, i.e., increase the rate at which your body burns fat. In addition, if you consume green tea frequently, you’ll need to drink plenty of water too. This has been proven scientifically to aid in losing weight.

However, drinking lots of water can be tedious. Green tea can help you by adding a pleasant flavour to ordinary water.

  1. Stay young

Because of its beneficial antioxidants, tea impedes natural oxidation processes within human tissues caused by free radicals created when there is a lack of antioxidants (the same process that causes food products to rot).

  1. Avoid cancer.

It’s been established that drinking green tea reduces the chance of developing the most commonly-spread cancers, including lung, breast, colon, and bladder cancer. This shouldn’t be a surprise in the least since cancer is, in the end, the result of cell degeneration (I am sure that’s a bit). As I’ve already stated, <犀利士 a href=””>antioxidants help your cells “stay young.”

  1. It helps prevent heart disease.

The flavonoids found in green tea decrease the ratio of LDL/HDL, the good-to-bad cholesterol ratio. It’s been established that the low level of LDL is responsible for heart disease, but the percentage is high LDL/HDL. Therefore, by drinking green tea, you can also avoid heart ailments.

  1. Maintain your dental health.

Flavonoids also have excellent properties for killing bacteria that cause dental plaque, which can cause tooth decay and bad breath. Therefore, stop chewing gum and sip more tea!

  1. Take on viruses and bacteria.

The exact property aids in fighting the spread of viruses and bacteria. This means that you’ll have more protection and be more likely to stay clear of influenza and other nastier illnesses.

  1. Prevent diabetes

It was discovered that people who drink green tea have a 40% lower risk of developing type II diabetes. This is the constant insulin spikes in our blood caused by consuming many sweets and unhealthy foods. Foods that are unhealthy raise the amount of sugar in the blood. The body responds by producing insulin to bring the sugar levels back to an average level (before we end up dying).

The problem is that the body is conditioned to high insulin levels and develops “insulin resistance” over time. This means that the body cannot react appropriatel犀利士 y to high insulin levels and, consequently, manage the level of sugar in the blood. This is a sign that we have diabetes.

How does green tea fit into the formula? It appears that flavonoids assist in controlling the sugar levels in the blood, thereby reducing the spikes in insulin.

The adverse side effects of green tea.

I searched the internet for over an hour, and the only negative side effect of green tea I could locate was that it contained caffeine (much less than coffee, however).

How do I drink green tea to prevent negative adverse effects?

Every morning, I’ll clean it, then fill it up with a spoon and half cup glass of tea. Then, I’ll begin pouring hot tea into my thermos. I typically drink 5 to six thermoses each day, and, generally, this is the entire liquid I consume throughout the day.

But I won’t alter the tea. So at the beginning of the day, I’ll experience the intense and robust flavor and caffeine of the “new” green tea, and in the afternoon, I’ll drink hot water with the light taste of green tea.

On average, I sleep for 8 hours per night and have never experienced insomnia.

Where can you purchase Chinese tea online?

Finding a good quality Chinese tea at a fair price isn’t always straightforward. After shopping at several online stores, I’ve found that the Teavivre is among the best because it offers an extensive selection of Chinese teas (including organic teas), which are directly from China at a reasonable cost.

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