How to apply and get successful admissions to Chinese Universities in 2021?

Fernando Villanueva

How To Apply And Get Successful Admissions To Chinese Universities In 2021?

Every year number of international students keeps on increasing to study in china.  Internationals students get opportunities to study in the second-largest economy in the world for Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D. courses.  A lot of students get admission in engineering, MBBS, business and economics to study in China to Chinese universities. 

What is the process to apply and get admission in china Universities in 2021? 

The first step, is to choose the course you want to studyand check if you prefer to study the course in Chinese or English. For you to study the course in Chinese it will require you to at least have HSK 4 certificate for Chinese university to accept you for Chinese taught program, for English taught program you need to have an English certificate but if you are from a native English country the certificate is not necessary. 

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The second step, prepared all your documents and apply for the University of your Choice. It<span lang="AR-SA" dir="RTL" style="font-size: 13pt; font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", serif; background-image: ini犀利士 tial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;\”>s better to have someone/ company to guide you during this process.  You can use an online platform to apply for reliable and fast application guidance. If you apply yourself it\’s cheaper since you only have to pay the application fee and do the follow up on your own. When you use China Educations, we make sure the application process is easier for you, we save you a lot of time, we guide you to choose the University that is more suitable for you according on your preferences, academic report, and we are with you all the way   of the process until you received your admission letter and all that at very low affordable cost. Start your application here.

 <p class="Default" style="margin-top:0cm;text-犀利士 align:justify\”>The third step, after your application has been submitted in our online Application Form, just wait for university to review your application and you can review your application status in your student account.  

A lot of international students apply in china every day and universities receive a lot of applications; therefore it may take some time for them to review. I usually recommend you apply for at least more than one university so as to increase your chance especially if you have an average grade or you applying under the pressure of the deadline. In case your application will not be successful in one university you can still get admission to another university for the same intake.


After your application has been accepted you can get a pre-admission letter and you have to wait for your admission materials (including your JW 202 and admission letter) when they will be posted to your mailing address for you to begin the visa process. Admission in china can take some time until you get your documents after the university has accepted you so we advise you to be more patient while you wait for your documents so as you can apply for your visa. 


When you get your admission package you can begin the visa process to the Chinese embassy in your country. It can take up to  3 to 7 working days for you to get your student\’s visa and begin the process. Every country has a different procedure to apply for a student visa in china, some countries require we for Chinese Universities to send a confirmation email to the  Chinese embassy confirming your admission, either way, the university as well as the person in charge of your application. 


Studying in china can be a great destination for you to further your career and achieve your dreams. We hope you to guide you and be part of your amazing in your life.

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