How to Learn Chinese Fast – Best Learning Tips

Fernando Villanueva

This page describes my strategy for learning Chinese quickly. However, “quick” does not imply that I expect to be able to communicate in Mandarin in two months. On the other hand, I want to maximize my time and effort in learning Chinese by only learning for one hour per day.

My ambition is to be capable of reading Chinese papers, comprehending a talk show, and conversing with just about any Chinese person at “normal speed.” Within a year, I want to accomplish this goal.

This approach is based on my previous experience because I’m learning Chinese as the sixth language.

I’m also a big admirer of SRS (spaced repetition software). If you’re just getting started with Mandarin or have never heard the term “SRS,” you should keep reading!


I’m a sluggard. When I pay for a gym membership, I can easily encourage myself to work out three to four times per week. So I decided to apply the same technique and purchased a Chinese course.

This is also something Napoleon Hill recommends in his book “Think and Grow Rich,” which is perhaps the best goal-setting book I’ve ever read.

The premise is that we’ll only pursue our objectives if we have put some effort into these (time, money, face, and so on). For the same reason, I’ve chosen to commit and report on my performance on this website monthly.


Every week, I’ll see at least two hours of National tv, ideally a lovely film. I’ll put my language course lessons and some Chinese music (so far, I’ve only got a handful of songs by Fenghuang Chuanqi).

Even if they try to switch to English, I will speak Chinese (my Chinese is wrong, and people often get bored). This does not cover working hours, as I must communicate in English at work.

Context Matters

If “sugar,” substitute “sweet.” If “fire,” cover “smoke.” By forming connections, our brain recalls knowledge. This is a well-understood idea among memory researchers. This indicates that memorizing Chinese characters one at a time will slow down our Learning. We can learn a lot faster by studying brief sentences that give the characters a specific context.

I’m not making any fresh claims. I kept coming across this concept, which is how children learn a language. In addition, the meaning of Chinese characters varies depending on the circumstance.

Take the letters (which means “little”) and (which means “heart”), for example. You get the Chinese term when you combine them, which means “be cautious.”

This isn’t an outlier. It’s how Mandarin works: rearranging the addends produces a different outcome.

Anyone should see that memorizing Chinese characters one at a time isn’t very effective. However, a significant number of people (including myself) continue to do so.

Learn 3,000 Chinese characters by Heart

I’ll learn and revisit Chinese letters using flashcards and a brilliant scheduling system called SRS, which I’ll use for free Anki software.

I purchased a deck of cards named Learning Chinese Characters, containing 14,000 sentences, to take advantage of the “context” rule.

Smart. FM, the firm behind it (which you can get for free once you’ve installed Anki), says that the deck includes 98 percent of newspaper characters.

Most of the cards in this deck are sentences to study these 3,000 characters in context.

This should help me learn the words that are used in newspapers. A Chinese word is usually made up of two or more characters.

Measure Your Performance

To accomplish any long-term goal, we must create measurable short-term goals. My weekly measurable aim will be to memorize fifty new flashcards every day, complete a Chinese course lesson, and view a Chinese film in Chinese.

I’ll also make an effort to converse in Chinese as much as possible. If I find my g犀利士 oals too simple or too challenging after a little while, I may change them.


What is the best way for me to learn Chinese quickly?

Attending a program where you start and learn basics from a Chinese teacher is the most significant approach to learning Chinese quickly. They can create a program for you that will help you understand the essential grammar rules and words sequentially.

Furthermore, they will assist you in accurately pronouncing words and tones, which is critical for understanding. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you should begin conversing with Chinese people as soon as possible to advance your langu犀利士 age skills and extend your vocabulary.

Is there a Chinese-reading app available?

Yes, there are several cases where you can rapidly read and convert Chinese using your cellphone camera and an image. Waygo, for example, may assist you in doing so for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Pleco, among the most popular dictionaries and tools on the market, is another example. You focus your phone over the text using your camera phone, and the software picks up every word, just like with Waygo.

How quickly can you grab Mandarin?

It is debatable. To have simple discussions with Chinese online Learning for free is simple, and you don’t even need to attend lessons, though doing so will require more effort on your part. First, you can study the fundamentals by purchasing books and watching YouTube videos, for example.

As previously said, there are numerous valuable applications available. Attending local language meetings is an excellent method to improve your listening and speaking abilities. Here, you can make friends with Chinese people who would often go out of their way to assist you in learning Chinese regularly.

People, you should spend nearly 3–6 months learning the language. Prepare to spend at minimum 2-3 years teaching languages if you need to become fluent and possibly seek work where Chinese language abilities are required.

What is the top Mandarin learning program?

As demonstrated above, there are numerous applications accessible. As a result, deciding which app is the best is a matter of personal preference and taste. Many believe that Anki, Pleco, and Skritter are the most outstanding Chinese learning programs. It would be best to experiment with the various applications to find which one best suits your needs.

What is the best way for me to study Chinese for free?

Learning Chinese for free is simple, and you don’t even need to attend lessons, though doing so will require more effort. First, you can study the fundamentals by purchasing books and watching YouTube videos, for example.

As previously said, there are numerous valuable applications available. Attending local language meetings is an excellent method to improve your speaking and listening abilities. Here, you can make friends with Chinese people who would often go out of their way to assist you in learning Chinese every week.

Is it possible to learn a language with Duolingo?

Not at all. Duolingo can assist you in learning the fundamentals, but you will require other materials to become fluent.

Is Hello Chinese a free service?

Hello, Chinese is a freemium app that provides access to many free tools and information. A premium edition also gives you access to more educational resources. The premium package costs $6.99 per month, $12.99 for three months, or $39.99 per year.

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